
If you want to stimulate your young one’s mind, join us for our weekly storytime programs at each of our library branches. Storytime introduces the love of reading to early learners.  This is a perfect time for young children ages 0 to 5 and their caretakers to interact in a comfortable setting. Each session includes stories, rhymes, finger-plays, and sing-alongs that engage children in discovering the world around them.

Toddler Time – A Special Storytime for Ages 12-24 Months

Join us for a fun time of stories, songs and dance while developing pre-reading skills. This storytime at the Reserve Branch is designed for active, adventurous, wiggly toddlers from 12 months through 2 years.

Leroy D. Williams Memorial Library (Reserve): 10 AM Thursdays

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

The 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten challenge helps young children develop pre-reading skills and promotes parent and child bonding through reading. To keep track of the books read, Reading Logs are available in print at our Library branches or can be accessed through the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten iPhone or Android app. Storytime at the library counts!

Children's e-books are also available on our Library's home page through Hoopla. Suggested book lists are available for children ages birth-12 months, 12-24 months, 2-3 years, and 4-5 years.

Stop by any branch for information on how to participate. Children will receive incentives for each 100-book milestone! For more information, contact Children’s Librarian Trina Smith at [email protected].

Early Literacy Resources for Families

Storytime Calendar

Storytime Schedule

Leroy D. Williams Memorial Library (Reserve)
10:30 AM Mondays

Roland Borne, Sr. Memorial Library (Edgard)
4 PM Tuesdays

LaPlace Branch at the Norris J. Millet Sr. Library
10:30 AM Wednesdays

Frazee-Harris Memorial Library (Garyville)
10:30 AM Thursdays