Explore New Online Resources

January 7, 2025
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As of January 2025, St. John the Baptist Parish Library and the State Library of Louisiana have expanded upon diverse educational offerings with complimentary subscriptions to new online resources for children focusing on reading enrichment and science education: Scholastic BookFlix, TrueFlix, and ScienceFlix. 

Ideal for children in pre-kindergarten through third grade, Scholastic BookFlix contains thematically paired fiction and nonfiction titles designed to bridge the gap between “learning-to-read” and “reading-to-learn.” The youngest readers will delight in animated classic storybooks, sparking a curiosity and providing a natural springboard toward nonfiction titles.

Designed for children in third grade and up, Scholastic TrueFlix offers e-books and a diverse reservoir of related content in a variety of media sources, including videos, audio clips, images, primary sources, and websites for further learning. While exploring TrueFlix, children will enhance literacy skills, build knowledge in critical content areas, and develop skills for success in the classroom and beyond.

For more specialized scientific learning geared toward students in fourth through ninth grade, Scholastic ScienceFlix is a go-to resource that aims to build a lasting interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Curriculum-driven content is integrated with interactive features, inviting students to explore hands-on projects and more in earth and space science, life science, health, physical science, and more. 

Also new in the digital resources lineup is Mometrix e-Library, a test-preparation tool providing study materials for more than 1,500 standardized exams. A St. John the Baptist Parish Library card unlocks access to study guides, interactive flash cards, and practice tests specific to college entrance, graduate school, financial, nursing and medicine, civil service, and K-12 teacher certification exams, among many others. To access these resources and others for free with your library card, visit www.stjohnlib.com/resources.
