Check-out Guidelines

Up to 33 items can be checked out at a time per library card. Check out periods vary by media type:

  • Books and magazines are due three weeks from the date they were checked out.
  • DVDs, play-a-ways, and books on CDs are due within one week. Patrons can check out up to four DVDs at a time.
  • Hotspots can be checked out for 30 days with no renewals. 
  • All other audiovisual equipment and magazines circulate overnight and are due back to the Library the day after check out. 
  • Reference materials and laptops cannot be removed from the Library. 

Materials can be returned to any library branch at any time. Outside of operating hours, patrons may use the book drop located outside any library branch.

Using the Online Catalog

Patrons can use the online catalog, Vega, to search for books and electronic media by title, concept, author, or series. Records can be saved to “My Bookshelf” for later use. 

Reference the user manual for how-to guides on signing in and out of Vega, placing and canceling holds, managing personal lists, and renewing checkouts.

Fines & Fees

St. John the Baptist Parish Library is a fine-free library system, meaning there are no overdue charges for materials returned after the due date if they are returned in good condition. Patrons are encouraged to return items by the due date or renew items online or by calling the Library.

Charges for Lost or Damaged Materials

Patrons will be charged for any material that is lost, checked out in good condition and returned damaged, or returned with a strong, pervasive odor. Click here to see fees for lost or damaged items. 

Materials overdue for an extended period will be marked as “lost” in the system. Patrons will receive a refund of lost charges for items returned in good condition within six months of payment. 

Lost and damaged items will also accrue a non-refundable processing fee of $2.00 for magazines and $4.00 per item for all other materials.

There will be no fees for materials damaged or destroyed during an act of nature such as a house fire, tornado, flood, or hurricane.