About the Library
Quick History
Library services were initiated in October 1966, after the Police Jury had agreed to sponsor a demonstration library to be operated for one year by the Louisiana State Library with funds from the Federal Library Services and Construction Act. The demonstration was a success, and voters assured continued library service when they approved a property tax (which requires periodic renewal) for the maintenance and operation of the library as a parish institution.
The library is operated under the policy supervision of a Board of Control whose eight members are appointed by the parish governing authority (the Parish Council) for five-year staggered terms. The Parish President serves as an ex-officio member.
Our vision is to be a vital community connector: promoting cultural awareness, championing economic vitality, and encouraging a lifelong love of reading, learning, and literacy.

We provide quality resources representing diverse points of view; present creative, thoughtful and relevant programming; and strengthen community through networking and collaboration.